Headshots for remote employees

The solution for great headshots no matter where your employees are located.

How It Works

Step 1

Select your preferred custom background style.

Step 2

Take your own headshot in the privacy of your home with your cell phone. Our detailed instructions will guide you through the process.

Step 3

Send us only the images you love. If the image quality doesn’t meet our seal of approval, we will ask you to re-do it.

Step 4

Then we retouch and background swap your image and send it back to you for your final approval.

One flat rate. No hidden fees.

Every image will receive a custom background swap, color and light correction, and face retouching.

Included step-by-step instructions on how to take a great headshot at home.

Zoom consultations available upon request to assist your employees in setting up the perfect shot.

All images are resized for social media and web use, including LinkedIn, Outlook, and Zoom profile images.

1-10 images: $45 per image
11+ Images: $40 per image


  • Any phone from the past 5 years has the technology to take an amazing professional headshot. With our step-by-step instructions we will help guide you to find the best light in your home and crop your image properly.

  • We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not happy with your headshot for any reason, we will gladly revise, retouch, or replace it free of charge.

  • That’s the great thing about this process, it’s repeatable! When you have new remote employees, just reach out to us and we will get started on your next headshot.

  • All of our images are personally approved by us and have to meet our high standard of quality in order for us to begin retouching them. If they don’t meet our specifications we will ask the employee to do it again or discuss other options to ensure a great headshot is taken.

  • Absolutely! We can match any background style.

Start Your Remote Employees Order Now.